Här hittar du information om evenemang som rör det immateriella kulturarvet. Vi lägger också ut information på Elävä perintös Facebooksida och inspelningar från seminarier på Youtubekanalen Elävä perintö.
Årets huvudevenemang för det Levande Kulturarvet
Årets huvudevenemang för det Levande Kulturarvet Måndagen den 9 oktober 2023, kl 13.00-16.00 Maijansali, Helsingfors Centrumbibliotek Ode, Töölönlahdenkatu 4, 00100 Helsingfors Välkommen!
LIVIND Webinar on Living heritage and social sustainability: well-being and inter-generational dialogue
Participation in living heritage practice can add to well-being and strengthen social cohesion that support the socially sustainable development in local communities. Join our next thematic webinar on 19 September to learn more and share your vision and experience!
LIVIND Webinar on Living heritage and ecological sustainability: Understanding the issues and seeking local solutions
Climate change and associated environmental risks have direct and indirect effects on living cultural heritage. The practice of living heritage can also contribute to climate action and it can play a role in ensuring ecological sustainability. Many living heritage practices can assist in addressing ecological challenges, and need promotion and safeguarding. Some traditional practices are not sustainable; a few exist in tension with environmental regulations, for reasons that may or may not be justified. It is thus important to better understand how living heritage links to ecological sustainability, and how this relates to more sustainable action in other spheres of activity.
LIVIND webinar: Local economies and future markets for living cultural heritage
Living heritage offers many possibilities to livelihoods, but could we broaden our understanding of living heritage as an ecosystem that feeds local economies? How could practitioners better navigate the changing markets and opt for sustainable solutions, also with attention to heritage-sensitive marketing? What mechanisms would support community actors in mitigating risks and maximizing benefit from living heritage engagement with the market? Join us in the LIVIND webinar to learn more and share your views!
Konferens om skydd av nordiska urfolkens traditionella kunskap och immateriella egendom
Inspirerande talare: Ministrar, Unga experter; Intressanta paneldiskussioner; Interaktiva tematiska workshoppar
Webinar: Intellectual property protection and the safeguarding of Nordic indigenous traditional knowledge
How can intellectual property strategies support the safeguarding of Nordic indigenous traditional knowledge? What are the practical challenges facing culture bearers in safeguarding their traditional knowledge and using intellectual property protection to protect their economic and strategic interests? How can institutions offer their support? Join us for a webinar to hear more and discuss!