LIVIND Workshop on Living Heritage and Well-being
In this workshop we focus on the connections between living heritage and well-being. We start from asking, to which extent the possibilities of living heritage for well-being have been recognized in studies on increasing well-being, and what more should be done. We deliver short case examples on how practices of living heritage contribute to health and well-being and, finally, welcome you to interact and discuss this theme with others!
The contribution of cultural activities for people’s well-being has been studied well and results are convincing. Going to concerts or to theatre as a participant or self-expressive practices through e.g. singing in a choir, dancing, or joining drama method workshops can generate diverse positive effects on both physical and mental health. Many elements of living heritage are close to practices that have been studied for their advantages, and various traditions are in essence about improving people’s health and well-being.
In the workshop on 31 October 14–16 EET (13–15 CET) we focus on the connections between living heritage and well-being. We start from asking, to which extent the possibilities of living heritage for well-being have been recognized in studies on increasing well-being, and what more should be done. We deliver short case examples on how practices of living heritage contribute to health and well-being and, finally, welcome you to interact and discuss this theme with others!
Please sign up and we’ll send the link for you to join the workshop!