Website for schools on ICH
What is living heritage? What is it in Finland or in other countries? A new website open up the Convention with a wide and interactive study package.
A dedicated website on ICH and the Convention for schools, teachers and students was created in 2017 in Finnish and Swedish. The website has been made in cooperation with The Finnish Heritage Agency and the Finnish Society for Cultural Heritage Education.
The website contains Powerpoint presentations, print-out-cards on ICH, study materials, Kahoot-games and links to ICH in Finland, other countries and also UNESCO websites. It also provides access to several national inventories in the world. The numerous elements provide a great possibility to get to know traditions across the borders.
During the last years, more than 30 workshops on ICH has been organized in different parts of the country both for students and educators.
In 2018 Cultural Heritage had special weight as it was the European Union Year for Cultural Heritage. To celebrate this, we create a study package focusing on living heritage in European countries.
More information:
Leena Marsio, Finnish Heritage Agency, leena.marsio(at) +358 29533 6017
Ira Vihreälehto, Finnish Society for Cultural Heritage Education. ira.vihrealehto(at) +358 50 3381743